Dental Exam & Cleaning in Fayetteville

Dental Exam & Cleaning - PINE TREE DENTAL, Fayetteville Dentist

Why schedule your exam and cleaning today?

The most basic dental appointment is also the most necessary: This is the bi-annual exam and cleaning. Routine exams and cleanings cement a strong base for your oral health. Keeping up with these appointments is important in maintaining exceptional oral health and preventing disease and decay.

What to Expect

Routine dental exams are generally quick and easy. You’ll likely be in and out of the office within 45 minutes to an hour.


The exam portion of the appointment consist of a thorough head and neck evaluation in which the provider is is looking for any possible dental problems. Dental problems may include tooth decay, bad breath, tooth erosion, gum disease, mouth sores, oral cancer, tooth sensitivity, cosmetic needs, toothaches and dental emergencies.


Cleanings are treatment planned according to the patience's diagnosis. A prophylaxis(basic cleaning) is performed on patients who have pockets between 1-4mm depths. Scaling and root planning(deep cleaning) is performed on teeth that have pockets 5mm and greater.